41. Telegram 345 from Geneva1

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345. From Johnson.

Haguiwara asked me dinner Saturday night during which he outlined steps thus far taken at Geneva enter into contact with CHICOMS on repatriation Japanese and tried sound me out on raising level contacts. Spoke of government sending some one to Peiping.

I confined myself to general discussion present stage my talks, my hope experience and possible result my talks would be helpful Japanese and suggested question any further steps be taken by Japanese be discussed Tokyo or Washington.

He said no reply had yet been received from CHICOM Consul General here and Tatsuke was again going to press for reply this week.


Note: Advance copy to Mr. Waddell (FE) Noon 8-8-55 CWO/FED

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/8–855. Confidential.