328. Telegram 1064 to Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

1064. For Johnson. Your 871 and 977.

FBIS check negative.

Nine of names and serial numbers you mention are cited in 1951 issues of China Monthly Review published Shanghai which carried regular feature: “New List of American POW’s”. This heading always followed by explanatory note of which August issue typical: “Following names of American POW’s are additions to lists published in May, June and July issues of Review. These names have been compiled from files of New China News Agency (Hsinhua) and do not constitute an official list, being only names of POW’s who have broadcast statements over Peking Radio or who have asked Chinese correspondents in Korea to publish their names so that their families may learn that they are prisoners.—Editor.”

Citations, August issue: Craig, Demoll, Howell, Jennings, Johnson, Morris, Seggie, Schonder. June issue: Schuring. Morris cited also in The Shanghai News, June 30, 1951, as POW.

Research these and other names continuing in Chinese language press. State whether you want evidential publications airpouched to you.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–2755. Confidential. Drafted by Nagoski.