324. Telegram 1053 to Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

1053. For Johnson. Also for the Secretary. Guidance for November 3 Meeting.

Implementation Agreed Announcement: Note that two of nineteen Americans now released and inform Wang U.S. Government expects this to be followed by expeditious release remainder, as provided in Agreed Announcement. Point out that although PRC has now recognized in principle right of British Charge to correspond with and visit jailed Americans, he has been subjected to regulations which so circumscribe his freedom of action as to make it impossible carry out effectively his functions under Agreed Announcement. There is no justification for applying to British Charge regulations intended for “prisoners’ receiving and corresponding with relatives.” No restrictions imposed on Indian Ambassador in carrying out his functions under Agreed Announcement in US. Call Wang’s attention to specific regulations which interfere with Charge’s functions such as prohibition on speaking to prisoner about his case which would prevent investigation facts provided for in Agreed Announcement.
Unaccounted for military personnel: present lists again, using argumentation similar last meeting, emphasizing this unquestionably an issue between us and therefore appropriate subject for inclusion in talks. [Facsimile Page 2] Additional material individual cases being forwarded. Prepare ground for possibly reading lists to Wang next meeting if he still refuses accept.
Renunciation of force: Again reject Wang’s allegations that U.S. occupying Taiwan, violating UN Charter, etc. Inform him that although PRC’s willingness to consider renunciation of force is contribution to progress of talks, his draft statement unacceptable. It completely avoids main issue, which is that both sides renounce use of force, with particular reference to Taiwan area. Paragraphs 2 and 3 deal exclusively with renunciation of force in international disputes and Wang has clearly indicated PRC would not consider itself prevented by these provisions from using force against Taiwan. Whatever language chosen for declarations must be applicable to situation, which one party considers solely domestic issue and other does not. Both must pledge not to use force in this situation, except defensively. Paragraph 5 introduces extraneous subject, Foreign Ministers [Typeset Page 449] Conference, which as previously pointed out, not considered suitable subject for discussion these talks.
In view information contained Deptel 1052 endeavor discuss our draft (Deptel 915) with Secretary and Phleger with view introducing it as counter proposal at Nov. 3 meeting.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–2955. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Clough; cleared by McConaughy, in draft by Sebald, and in S/S.