317. Telegram 1013 to Geneva1
1013. For Johnson. Deptel 996 paragraph 3.
In absence other instructions from Secretary or last minute favorable news regarding detained Americans, lead off 23rd meeting with renewed demand for prompt PRC compliance terms of Agreed Announcement. Follow lines your statement last meeting reported your 922, but make tone somewhat more insistent in view passage additional week with no performance. Remind Wang that American Government and people have been extremely patient in waiting for PRC to carry out Agreed Announcement, but as time continues pass with no action whatsoever, not even authorization for nineteen imprisoned Americans to communicate with British Charge or be seen by him, patience wearing thin.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–2655. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Repeated to Geneva as telegram Tedul 18. Drafted by Clough and McConaughy; cleared by Sebald and in S/S.↩