281. Telegram 855 from Geneva1
Geneva, October 13, 1955, 2
855. From Johnson. Re Deptel 869.
- 1.
- I would think it desirable that whenever opportunity arises, such as in reply to Chang Han-fu’s question on O’Neill’s interpretation of agreement, O’Neill should state UK interprets portion of agreed announcement reading “and will further adopt appropriate measures so they can expeditiously exercise their right to return” to mean exactly what it says. Appreciate that probably neither O’Neill nor UK would desire become deeply involved at this stage in our controversy with CHICOMS their implementation this point. However believe UK would desire avoid any implication it agrees with CHICOM interpretation and lay best possible basis for invoking this portion announcement in representations in individual cases.
- 2.
- In view continued CHICOM vagueness on delivery text announcement to imprisoned Americans suggest consideration be given have O’Neill invoke portion of announcement stating UK Charge may also give publicity to request facilities have copy personally handed by member his office to each imprisoned American in event refusal he could request delivery letter from him containing text announcement, and information on how to communicate with him, to each prisoner.
- 3.
- Department will desire consider this from standpoint any precedent it may establish for Indian functions in US [Facsimile Page 2] but it appears to me we could without harm agree to same interpretation by Indians if question were raised.
- 4.
- In general believe O’Neill should avoid any implication UK considers its special functions under announcement to be primarily “welfare” in nature and that CHICOMS have implemented announcement with respect imprisoned Americans if some “welfare” functions conceded to UK. Believe he should concentrate maximum possible on the “assist in the return” aspects invoking “expeditiously” as appropriate.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–1355. Confidential; Priority; Limited Distribution.↩