272. Telegram 847 to Geneva1

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847. For Johnson.

Chicom attention to Geneva talks and Taiwan issue during past week slightly increased over previous week, but still relatively small in proportion total propaganda output. General tone Peiping propaganda continues to be rather hostile to US. US accused of delaying talks and having “negative attitude” at Geneva. US also again accused of causing tension in Taiwan area. However Peiping reiterates need for “peaceful international environment” and willingness hold direct talks on Taiwan issue with US.

Main commentary on Geneva talks given by Observer PEOPLE’S DAILY October 3 alleged US does “not want fast progress in discussions.” Concerning Americans still held on mainland observer stated that “all cases of Americans who have committed crimes in China must be dealt with individually according to Chinese legal procedures.” This asserted to be “inviolable sovereign right” of China. Peiping will inform US through UK as to “results of investigations.” Turning to question of Chinese nationals in US observer commented there were still many in US who did not dare apply for return China due to “long years of intimidation and persecution.” US willingness permit return would be test of US “sincerity.”

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Major commentaries on Taiwan issue given in speeches celebrating National Day October 1. Order of Day from Min of Defense P’eng Te-huai ordered troops “be prepared for combat duty at all times,” and stressed need for continued vigilance against “traitorous Chiang clique on Taiwan . . . plotting to stage a counterrevolutionary return” to mainland; Emphasized progress made in strengthening armed forces; Stated that China needed “peaceful international environment for long period,” in order build socialism; Outlined basic aims of Chicom foreign policy as establishment normal relations all countries, easing of tensions, attainment peaceful coexistence; Reaffirmed Chicom willingness strengthen Geneva spirit and hold direct talks US on Taiwan issue and reiterated Peiping’s determination liberate Taiwan.

Chou En-lai speech Sept. 29 at National Day celebration banquet noted growing world demand for relaxation tension and peaceful coexistence and stated Chinese people need peaceful environment to build their nation. Chi Ambassador Moscow Liu Hsiao in PRAVDA article [Typeset Page 376] October 1 stated Peiping “consistently defends need to solve all international questions by peaceful means.”

Article by Louis Saillant, WFTU Secty Gen, appearing Peiping DAILY WORKER Oct. 3 stressed importance Summit conference as landmark in easing tensions and as factor causing “retreat” of those advocating positions of strength. But added that many unsettled problems remain including Taiwan Korea and Indochina and this no time for complacent optimism.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–755. Official Use Only. Drafted by Jacobson; cleared in CA and IAD.