246. Telegram 791 from Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

791. From Johnson.

Today’s meeting left situation in very satisfactorily confused state with respect agenda item two which should provide considerable scope for further discussion. Wang was not prepared for type of approach I made to subject and was obviously confused as to what I meant by item on “accounting for US personnel.” (Part of difficulty was there is no satisfactory Chinese term for “accounting” in sense we have used it here.)
In absence decision on our part concerning form of presentation this subject I avoided any effort enlighten him which would have required my entering into substantive aspects. I simply said it was quite different from what we had been discussing under agenda item one and he did not press me further. However, by next meeting he will be certain to have connected this with our previous public statements on subject and be prepared to handle.
He was prepared to handle statement from me on renunciation of force which included an attack on CHICOM policies, was somewhat nonplussed that I did not make any such statement but felt he had to say something.
As sidelight NCNA correspondent told other correspondents while meeting was going on that “if there was no progress” CHICOMS would have public statement and US would probably also have one. Thus appears they were fully prepared for public debate although probably not break and were forestalled by our tactics.
Will subsequently submit recommendations for handling next meeting.

Note: Advance copy to Mr. McConaughy (CA) 12:30 p.m. 9/28/55 CWO/FED.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–2855. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution.