229. Telegram 776 to Geneva1
776. For Johnson.
Chicom propaganda on international subjects during past week continued stress Communist efforts ease international tensions and gave considerable attention Geneva talks. Peiping states agreement item one welcomed by world opinion as “new event in Sino-US relations.” Nevertheless regarding Geneva talks, Peiping took occasion criticize US on three points. US charged 1) with refusal move on to item two of agenda before implementation of agreement item one; 2) of distorting agreement on item one; and 3) violating agreement procedure releasing news. Peiping asserted these actions perpetrated “with ulterior motives” for purpose “obstructing” talks and “preventing conciliation.”
Regarding first criticism Peiping harped on alleged US violation “normal procedures of international conferences” stating that when agreement reached on item one it “common sense” proceed to item two. US “return” to item one portrayed as contrary to “unanimous wish of peace-loving people” and Times of India quoted to effect US stand “may virtually block further progress.” US also accused attempting keep item one open to put pressure on Peiping in conduct domestic matters and prevent further negotiation since US has “5000” Chinese students “return” of whom would require long time.
[Facsimile Page 2]Criticism two maintained US had stated China would invite UK assist return to US of Americans wishing return to US while US would invite India. Peiping appeared to read into alleged USIS treatment indication US intends not repeat not invite UK and charged US with scheming to stall current talks and “obstruct operation of agreement.”
[Typeset Page 305]In third criticism Peiping claimed US had violated agreement news release when US delegation unilaterally on evening after 15th meeting reportedly released statement on “contents of the talks” together with announcement that Johnson regarded it “premature” proceed to item two. Peiping also gave much publicity two topics Chicoms introduced for consideration under item two.
People’s Daily September 19 published article by one Stetson Kennedy, identified as US writer, on “plight” Chinese students “forcibly detained” in US. Article charged students treated “like criminals” through curtailment movement, “relentless surveillance” and interrogations.
Taiwan receded further in background. Chiang reported forming committee for return of 6,000 students from US in order gain control over students and prevent foreign minister level talks between Chicoms and US.
NCNA publicized “mass airlift exercise recently” of US Air Division, saying US aircraft completed airlift of 18th Fighter-Bomber Wing from Okinawa to “forward bases” on Taiwan. Same report charged US had earlier increased jet fighter force on Taiwan, which now training under “combat simulated conditions.”
Commenting on UNGA session Ta Kung Pao charged US has compelled UN become tool of its “policy of strength.” Paper added UN founded on principle “universal membership” and should be open all countries and that through US “obstruction” 600 million Chinese deprived of “legitimate rights.”
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–2355. Confidential. Drafted by Jacobson; cleared by McConaughy and in IAD.↩