213. Telegram 758 from Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

758. From Johnson.

Subject Department’s suggestions, at Friday’s meeting I plan give Wang all further available info on our implementation of announcement, inform him departure Tsien, numbers additional Chinese who have departed, etc. Would hope could make unqualified statement Indian Embassy already functioning as envisaged agreed announcement.
Will then make carefully prepared and balanced statement noting progress thus far made with respect PRC implementation announcement but with note being serious dissatisfaction with rate of progress release of Americans in jail. Of 29 Americans in jail or under house arrest beginning these talks have thus far promised release 10 of whom 9 out and 19 still remain jail with no apparent steps taken effect their release. This is not “expeditiously.”
Will also express dissatisfaction with his attitude at last meeting on my request for info on health and welfare of Americans still in jail and unanswered questions on implementation announcement.
Will also contrast our prompt action with respect India with their dilatoriness with respect UK, working in latest available information on this situation at time of meeting.
Will express regret thus far been unable turn to item two because their slowness disposing these matters and express hope they will promptly remedy situation. On [Facsimile Page 2] timing discussions item two would maintain note in second sentence para 14 Mytel 725, that is “when it was clear terms agreed announcement being faithfully implemented.”
I would not plan at this meeting to use authority contained paras 6 and 8 Deptel 745 except in unlikely event it appeared necessary prevent break, but would close on note of continued dissatisfaction and waiting for them to act.
Wang will probably react sharply and meeting may well become somewhat acrid but I feel it may be useful move at this time.
However in event that he informs me at meeting of release additional Americans and it also appears announcement has been implemented with respect UK functions in PRC, I would respond with line in paras 6 and 8 Deptel 745.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–2155. Secret; Limited Distribution.