21. Telegram 359 to Geneva1
359. For Johnson.
Reference your list of 36 American civilian detainees handed to Wang. We believe as your talks constitute new stage of discussions regarding Americans detained Communist China you should present Wang with full list all Americans we believe being prevented from leaving mainland including Mrs. Huizer, two Romanoffs and Mrs. Bradshaw. Bishop James Edward Walsh authorized by his Maryknoll Mission superior here to leave.
You should transmit to Wang these four names to supplement your lists of Americans being detained and add note that superiors of [Typeset Page 23] Bishop Walsh have now authorized him to leave. If you have definite reason for not submitting this supplementary list, inform Department.
Case of Lai Mee-sen and other Americans of Chinese race under consideration by Department to determine whether your intervention on their behalf at this time might endanger them.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.95A251/8–355. Confidential; Niact. Drafted by McConaughy and Forman.↩