18. Telegram 341 to Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

341. For Johnson.

AFP Taipei reports National Government August 2 made clear “its resolution to withdraw immediately” from UN in event Chinese Communists admitted.
Ch’en Ch’eng July 29 announced resignation Sun Li-jen as Chief Military Aide to President Chiang Kai-shek because of “fault of implication in recent case of sedition.” Board headed by Ch’en will investigate case.
Communist China and Nepal have signed agreement to establish diplomatic relations. Chinese Communist ambassador New Delhi to be accredited Katmandu, presumably on Nehru’s urgings.
Registration of foreigners in Hanoi began last week July with DRV showing clear intent harass and annoy. Objection to use of Consular titles by US personnel and many petty objections raised in completion of forms. At week’s end attitude shifted to near politeness and forms accepted. Consul unsure whether change indicates real change in behavior toward Westerners, effort to expedite registration with further difficulties postponed until data studied, or calculated alternation between cajolery and admonition.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/8–255. Secret. Drafted by Jacobson (DRF); cleared in substance in CA.