150. Telegram 658 to Geneva1

[Facsimile Page 1]

658. For Johnson. Your 651.

It would seem desirable hold next meeting September 6 unless there are indications Wang may have something present before then. If he requests meeting Saturday September 3, and you consider it desirable, you should agree, leaving date of following meeting to be fixed on September 3. You may have opportunity establish pattern semi-weekly meetings Tuesdays and Fridays in absence specific reason for meeting on other days. We are confident your approach will make it clear wider spacing meetings not due to any lessening of interest our part in earliest possible completion item one but rather desire avoid useless meetings while awaiting Chinese Communist decision take position necessary for conclusion item one, as we have already done.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/8–3055. Secret; Priority. Drafted by McConaughy; cleared in draft by Phleger.