10. Telegram From the Ambassador in France (Dillon) to the Department of State1
2870. Re Deptel 2421.2 Roux tells us this morning text French proposal regarding Collins–Ely memo of understanding was telegraphed French Embassy Washington subsequent initial telegram outlining French Government observations this regard and that Foreign Office feels certain French proposal should be presented by French Embassy to Department this morning.
Roux has given us text proposal which we transmitting together with free translation thereof as instructed and for information Saigon:
“Recommendation conjointe des gouvernements Francais et Americain, relative a l’organisation et a l’instruction des forces armees Vietnamiennes autonomes.
“Joint recommendation of French and American Governments relative to the organization and instruction of the national Vietnamese armed forces.
“(1) Les soussignes considerent comme souhaitable l’adoption par le gouvernement Vietnamien des termes de l’annexe a ci-jointe, relative a la structure initiale des forces Vietnamiennes, telles qu’elles devraient etre organisees au 1er Juillet 1955.
“(1) The undersigned consider as desirable the adoption by the Vietnamese Government of the terms of the attached annex relative to the initial structure of the Vietnamese forces as it is planned they should be organized on July 1, 1955.
“(2) Cette structure des forces serait realisee par la reduction des effectifs des forces armees Vietnamiennes fondee, autant que possible, sur la demobilisation des moins aptes, jusqu’a ce qu’elle soit conforme aux donnees de l’annexe ‘A’. Des ajustements pourraient etre apportes au rythme et a l’ampleur de la reduction, en fonction de l’evolution de la situation politique et economique au Vietnam.
“(2) This structure of forces would be realized by the reduction of the effectives of the Vietnamese armed forces based, as much as possible, on the demobilization of the less qualified, until it conforms to the ideas of annex ‘A’. Some adjustments could be applied to the rhythm and the extent of the reduction in terms of the political and economic situation in Vietnam.
“(3) La direction d’un programme dans les domaines de l’organisation et de l’instruction des forces armees Vietnamiennes autonomes devant, pour etre efficace, etre confiee a une seule autorite, les soussignes considerent, en ce qui les concerne; que la pleine responsabilite de l’assistance a accorder au gouvernement du Vietnam pour l’organisation le direction de ces forces armees doit etre assumee par le chef du M.A.A.G. Americain, a la date du 1er Janvier 1955, sous l’autorite superieure du commandant en chef.
“(3) The undersigned consider that, insofar as it concerns them, the direction of a program in the fields of organization and instruction of the Vietnamese National Army should, in, order to be effective, be entrusted to a single authority; and that the full responsibility for the assistance to be accorded to the Government of Vietnam for the organization and instruction of these armed forces should be assumed by the chief of the American MAAG on the date Jan 1, 1955 under the over-all authority of the commander in chief.
“(4) Du personnel Americain serait donc maintenu concurremment avec du personnel Francais, comme conseilleurs ou instructeurs des forces armees Vietnamiennes. Au fur et a measure de l’amelioration de l’efficacite de ces forces armees, le nombre de ces conseilleurs et instructeurs Francais et Americains serait progressivement diminue.
“(4) American personnel would then be maintained concurrently with French personnel as advisers or instructors of the Vietnamese armed forces. As the effectiveness of these armed forces improves, the number of these French and American advisers and instructors would be progressively reduced.
“(5) Il est convenue entre les soussignes qu’il doit etre procede a l’application des dispositions ci-dessue, en conformité avec les accords en vigeur.
“(5) The undersigned agree that the above provisions ought to be applied in conformity with agreements in force.
“(6) La presente recommendation (qui devra etre agree par les gouvernements interesses) ne serva valable que sous reserve de l’approbation par le gouvernement des Etats-Unis d’un programme direct a l’etat du Vietnam.”
“(6) The present recommendation (which will require the approval of the interested govts) will be valid only subject reservation US Government approve a direct program (of aid) to state of Vietnam.”
Foreign Office this morning stated above proposal does not affect memo for record initialled by Ely and Collins to accompany memo of understanding (Saigon telegram 7103). Foreign Office has [Page 24] reiterated its desire approach be made on basis agreed joint recommendations rather than on basis signed Franco-American agreement; that substitution training personnel for administrative personnel within MAAG ceiling be accomplished discreetly; and that for French internal considerations and to avoid possible ICC charge violation Geneva Agreement, no publicity be attached recommendations or joint Franco-American approach Vietnamese Government this regard.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751G.5/1–755. Top Secret; Niact. Repeated priority to Saigon.↩
- In this telegram, repeated to Saigon as 2746, January 6, the Department asked the Embassy in Paris to obtain from Roux a text of the French proposal regarding the Ely–Collins memorandum of understanding of December 14, 1954. (Ibid., 751G.5/1-555)↩
- Printed as telegram 2261 from Saigon, December 14, 1954, Foreign Relations, 1952–1954, vol. xiii, Part 2, p. 2366.↩