693.941/3–452: TeIegram
No. 538
The United States Political Adviser to
SCAP (Sebald) to the Department of State
Topad 1842. Dulles from Sebald. Re mytel 1822 Mar 1. Discussed salient points urtel 2334 Feb 28 with Yoshida and especially stressed desirability creating atmosphere of goodwill and dispelling [Page 1212] suspicion and recriminations Taipei negots. Yoshida explained that Kawada has obviously been taking rigid attitude in endeavor stay within Yoshida–Dulles letter and formula and is also somewhat hesitant in view feeling Chinese will out-negotiate Jap mission. He said he fully understands situation and will instruct Kawada adopt more liberal attitude and do everything possible create healthy atmosphere. He asked me assure you there was no cause for worry. Yoshida reiterated that Chinese are skillful negotiators who place great emphasis upon language employed. When I remarked there are rumors Jap mission wld seek pretext break negots as soon as US Senate acted, Yoshida with chuckle replied “we are not that clever”.
I told Yoshida of my concern regarding wide area of difference between Chi and Jap draft treaties and wondered whether, on the basis these two drafts, negotiations cld produce mutually satis treaty. Yoshida admitted Jap draft very short but said he felt Kawada might be well-advised adopt some Chi suggestions for additional articles.
I believe discussion with Yoshida will be productive desired results but it is probable some days will elapse before change in Kawada’s negotiating attitude becomes apparent and is mirrored by improved Chi press reactions.