751G.00/5–2254: Telegram
The Chargé at Saigon (McClintock) to the Department of State
2496. Repeated information priority Paris 884, Geneva 143, London 69, Manila 283. I have just had a conversation with General Ely in presence of DeJean. In response to my question as to his estimate of military situation, Ely said it was vital for French Union forces to hold the Tonkin Delta and he had ordered new troop dispositions to that end. Situation in Laos was calm and thus he could bring French Union battalions and groupes mobiles from that theater by air to delta. Likewise he intended to relieve French Union forces now on static guard post duty by Vietnamese National Army troops and thus in general increase French mobile striking force in delta which would be capable of a war of maneuver.
Some additional French reinforcements are on way to Indochina. 2800 Foreign Legion have arrived at Cap St. Jacques today and Ely hopes to bring a few additional battalions (Paris telegram 4466)1 by air. He probably will make a request on US for air lift in this case.
Despite these dispositions, Ely did not hide gravity of military situation in delta. He said there was evidence that the 16 Viet Minh regional battalions now in vicinity of Thai Nguyen were there for training and equipment in more modern arms, including possibly tanks, and they could be formed into an additional division with some extra battalions left over. If Giap could bring his four divisions from Dien Bien Phu to delta quickly, reorganize these 16 regional battalions, and utilize Viet Minh 320 division which is now inside delta, situation might become very serious. However, on balance Ely felt that French could dominate situation.
He said he would recommend to his government that delta be held at all costs. He said “In the 44 [14] war we had our eyes fixed on the line of the Vosges but war was actually won in Balkans. In 38 we had our eyes fixed on the Maginot line but the war was lost in Czechoslovakia. In 54 we can lose Europe if we do not hold here”.
- Telegram 4466 from Paris, May 20, repeated to Geneva and Saigon, not printed, contained the Embassy’s report of a conversation with Minister for the Associated States Jacquet regarding French plans for sending reinforcements to Indochina. (751G.00/5–2054)↩