751G.00/4–2754: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Aldrich) to the Department of State
4750. Repeated information Paris 653, Geneva 47. Geneva for Secretary. Referring to Churchill statement in House this afternoon,1 Massigli2 has just seen me at his request to tell me that he saw Churchill this morning at suggestion of Laniel to plead with Churchill to make a statement that Great Britain would act with US and France in supporting defense of Dien-Bien-Phu by French Union Forces. But Churchill has stated Great Britain was not prepared to do anything now which would affect situation at Geneva. Massigli stated nothing now possible for France except immediate commencement of negotiations for cease-fire. He said he felt Churchill and Cabinet had been influenced by fear of violent Labor Party opposition and reaction of India.
- Prime Minister Churchill delivered a policy statement on Indochina and the Geneva Conference in the House of Commons on Apr. 27, which included the following remarks: “Her Majesty’s Government are not prepared to give any undertakings about United Kingdom military action in Indo-China in advance of the results of Geneva. We have not entered into any new political or military commitments. My right hon. Friend [Eden] has, of course, made it clear to his colleagues at Geneva that if settlements are reached there Her Majesty’s Government will be ready to play their full part in supporting them in order to promote a stable peace in the Far East.” For the complete statement, see Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, 5th series, vol. 526, cols. 1455–1456.↩
- René Massiglil French Ambassador in the United Kingdom.↩