751G.00/12–1454: Telegram

The Chargé in Vietnam (Kidder) to the Department of State


2267. Repeated information Paris 714, Hanoi 436, Phnom Penh, Vientiane unnumbered. From Collins. I am seriously perturbed by rash of news stories datelined Washington giving in substantially accurate detail gist of my agreements with Ely and of US plans relating to military aid to Vietnam and proposed size of Vietnamese forces and FEC.1 These stories, in particular one published in local press today from Washington (Vietnam Press—United Press) with headline “371 American Instructors Supported by 4600 French Will Train the New Vietnamese Army of 90,000 Men,” are practically certain to attract attention of Viet Minh with possibility that they will lodge complaint with ICC.

This brings up important issue. With establishment of new Office of ICC in Saigon and announcement that fixed team (headed by Indian Naval Commander Menon) will devote themselves to implementation of Articles 16 and 17 of Geneva Agreement on Vietnam (Articles relating to rotation of military units and individuals and [Page 2369] entry into Vietnam of war matériel) we must anticipate possibility that French may be requested by ICC submit various data as called for in Articles 16 and 17. These Articles are open to wide-range of interpretation and General Ely has implied to me that he does not see any reason why it necessary MAAG Mission should be restricted to 342 members, the number in Vietnam as of date of signature Accord. While that number has been widely quoted, I have instructed members of American agencies here to avoid reference to it or to any other definite personnel ceiling which would result from application of Geneva Accord. Article 16 makes no mention of American military as such, but is couched in general terms. It is quite possible as I see it that Accord might be read so that departing French personnel could be replaced by American.

Although neither we nor Vietnamese are signatories to Accord, fact is that we should not embarrass unnecessarily either French who are responsible under Accord or our friends on ICC. Presently, according to Indian General Bhagat, information confirmed by Cerles, French Diplomatic Counselor, there is an increasing tendency for Indians to line up with Canadians.

To date we have not been supplying French or ICC with any data on movements of US military personnel in and out of Vietnam. I do not believe we have any obligation so to do, but arrival, probably tomorrow, of first increment of new MAAG personnel for training program may not go unobserved and may be challenged.

In order prevent confusion and be prepared answer as precisely and promptly as possible questions from either French or ICC, I request Department give me its views soon as possible on factors outlined above.2

  1. In telegram 2287 from Saigon, Dec. 15, General Collins reported that General Ely was also badly upset by the publication of this information. (120.251G/12–1554)
  2. In telegram 2455 to Saigon, Dec. 16, the Department of State instructed Collins to notify General Ely of arriving MAAG personnel, but not the ICC. (751G.00/12–1454)