751G.13/10–2554: Telegram

The Ambassador in Vietnam (Heath) to the Department of State

top secret

1575. Repeated information Paris 2524. This is joint Embassy MAAG telegram. Yesterday afternoon on my instructions General O’Daniel and Embassy officer met with General Hinh. General O’Daniel opened substantive portion of hour long talk by reading to Hinh three points of US policy as set forth in part 1, paragraph 1 of Department telegram 1679.1 It was explained to Hinh that US desirous assist in all possible ways in Vietnamese effort combat and root out [Page 2173] Viet Minh menace in free Vietnam. However, before any long range program toward this end could be effectively commenced it essential we have assurance of stable Vietnamese Government under Diem leadership with full loyal cooperation Vietnamese Army.

Hinh replied information re US position not news to him, reiterated statement that he no longer interested in politics, that he working loyally with government through Defense Minister (sic) in carrying out government’s instructions, but that Diem was continuing harass him and would not work with Army as long as he, Hinh, still in command. He alleged that Diem and his entourage, particularly brother Nhu, were responsible for continued distribution of tracts criticizing and belittling both Hinh and Army. He said that in spite of his willingness to cooperate, Diem attitude made such cooperation impossible and that failure government support Army in carrying out its proper role as it was doing its best to do made Army’s position next to untenable. Hinh perfectly willing request leave go on mission abroad but only after political situation clarified. In meantime Army under his command doing its best carry out its duties. Hinh himself planning leave in next few days to spend several days in Central Annam coastal and plateau areas to supervise transfer of commands to National Army. He would also visit Haiphong where he would be “last” Vietnamese soldier leaving North Vietnam.

In reply to O’Daniel’s direct question whether he would issue statement of support of Diem government he replied after considerable reflection that he would issue statement in support of government but would under no condition mention name of Diem. He alleged full loyalty to Vietnamese Government, to any government which might be in power including anyone which might come in, for example tomorrow.

Hinh dwelt at length on grievances of Army against Diem government, stating that it had not pursued in any way active anti-Communist struggle. He said that at same time funds for Army Intelligence activities have been cut off; Diem government was responsible for dispersing millions of piasters in diversionary and wasteful attempts undermine Army and build up Diem’s personal prestige. Specifically he alleged that Diem government financing Cao Dai dissident General The and Hoa Hao Forces while at same time these two forces fighting among themselves for power. He also said Diem was supporting with millions of piasters “assassination” groups in Central Vietnam. He claimed National Army Forces had that morning arrested Vietnamese National Army officer who had on his person instructions attempt subvert Vietnamese Army personnel to join Palace guard and to create other forms of trouble.

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In summary Embassy officer received impression Hinh continues to maintain all reservations against Diem although his attitude may have softened to some slight degree. His basic feeling expressed when he stated that if US aid cut off today he would seize Diem the following day and set up military government. He said he realizes necessity US aid but while willing sacrifice himself, his men, and his and their families in anti-Communist struggle he not willing to do so in futile attempt such as he anticipates under Diem leadership. Conversation was concluded by General O’Daniel re-emphasizing US willingness help train Army and give other aid in fight against Viet Minh should acceptable political conditions be created and by Embassy officer again summarizing necessity for [garble] assured within reasonable length of time, possibly a month, of stable government National Union under Diem with loyal Army support and cooperation which condition alone would enable us to establish and carry out long range plan help defeat Viet Minh and strengthen free Vietnam.

Today, following conversation reported above, General O’Daniel saw Hinh who informed him that he would put out statement through Army channels exhorting Army to give support to “present government”. In return he would expect Diem to issue instructions that distribution of all tracts against Army be stopped immediately. (Has stated General The, “dissident. Cao Dai leader, is responsible personally for many such tracts). Hinh also said he would like Diem accompany him on inspection tour of pacification operations in two provinces. This would be public demonstration to world of good relations between Army and President of government.2

  1. Dated Oct. 22, p. 2161.
  2. Telegram 1731 to Saigon, Oct. 26, read as follows: “Department finds some encouragement in Hinh’s initial reaction. We hope you and O’Daniel will continue seize every opportunity urge moderation and compromise.” (751G.13/102654) Nonetheless, the Embassy reported on Oct. 29 (telegram 1643) that it had not been possible to induce General Hinh to issue an acceptable statement supporting the government. (751G.00/10–2954)