751G.5 MSP/10–254: Telegram
The Chargé in Vietnam (Cameron) to the Department of State
1310. Repeated information Paris 450. Following is translation text of note dated September 30 from Foreign Minister:
“Mr. Ambassador:
“I have honor to inform you that simultaneously with increased responsibilities which it is assuming in civilian administration of country as well as in conduct of its foreign affairs, Vietnamese Government wishes directly to participate in negotiations concerning military future of Vietnam.
“Until now, need for a single command in Indochina, justified by state of war prevailing in the three Associated States of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam has imposed limitations on exercise of authority in military field by governments of these States.
“Insofar as it is concerned, my government sincerely hopes that, in future, reviews, discussions relating to Vietnamese National Army will be subjects of tripartite conferences between United States, France and Vietnam, instead of being dealt with by France in name of Vietnam.
“In addition, in order to prepare for release of French troops and effective guarantee interior and exterior security of country. Government of Vietnam is considering increasing Vietnamese Army to following levels, which must be attained in 1955:
- “A—Regular army of 165,000 men forming the fighting arm (Corps de Bataille),
- “B—Security forces of 65,000 men, that is to say a total of 230,000 men.
“It is evident that to attain this program of increased military potential, Government of Vietnam is counting on adequate aid from United States, aid which it would prefer to receive directly, as it receives French military aid to Vietnam.
“I would be grateful if you could let me know if point of view outlined above would meet with approval of Government of United States. While extending my sincere appreciation for the attention you may give to this matter, as well as for all steps you may deem worth taking in favor my government, I take this opportunity to reiterate, Mr. Ambassador, assurance of my highest esteem.”