751G.5/7–2954: Telegram

The Ambassador at Saigon (Heath) to the Department of State

top secret

366. Repeated information Paris 138. Vietnamese State Secretary for Defense has asked General O’Daniel that US take over entire training program for Vietnamese National Army.1 General O’Daniel recommends that this request be granted as I do. At same time I recognize that it may be contrary to present American policy and we might meet objections of Viet Minh and possibly International Supervisory Commission if we increased American military personnel to extent of taking over wholesale training activities in Vietnam. If that is case, then General O’Daniel could be prepared to undertake a limited training program consisting of independent operation of one replacement training center and military advisers to two Vietnamese divisions. He believes that he could achieve this smaller program without increasing total number of US military personnel now in Vietnam (MAAG plus Air Force mechanics at Tourane, cf. Embassy telegram 301, repeated Paris 111).2 However, he would “rotate out” Air Force group at Tourane, reduce Air Force and naval personnel now assigned MAAG, and replace by military instructors. We assume this could be done under armistice agreement since there would be no total increase in American military personnel involved.

I feel certain that General O’Daniel would succeed in a training [Page 1890] program whether entire or reduced both because of superiority of American methods and willingness of Vietnam forces to take American training as opposed to French instruction. Such action should have a considerable effect on shaken morale of remaining Vietnam and is desired by Vietnam Government.

It is assumed that such training program of any dimensions would be agreeable to General Ely. Ely a week ago told me he still favored American participation in military training in Vietnam.

If Department approves, I believe that before any commitments are made to Vietnam Government, matter should first be taken up through General Ely. If a plan is to be approved, it should be gotten under way with least possible delay.

  1. See Army telegram MG 2063A, July 27, p. 1883.
  2. Not printed. (750G.00/7–2454)