790B.00/2–452: Telegram
No. 6
The Minister at Saigon (Heath) to the Department
of State1
1541. Suppose opinions on finality Commie victory in Chi and feasibility attempts keep Chi opposition forces alive will continue differ for long time to come. Re London’s 3356 [3357], Feb 1, and Bangkok’s 1540, Jan 24 [18],2 my considered view is that if US not engaged in supporting guerilla action against Commie Chi, it ought to be. This also personal view Salan3 now commanding Fr Forces Far East (see Legtel 1488, Jan 25).4
We agree that KMT activities in or from Burma will not be cause ChiCom invasion Burma; that we must seek persuade Asian nations, including Ind, that their security lies in resistance aggression; that it desirable not give Sovs debating pegs. Yet we confronted with six years ChiCom support of IC and Malayan wars and of Burm unrest. For at least two years ChiComs have systematically equipped, trained, advised, directed, and controlled VM. For at least past six months Sovs have been moving into place in South Chi with joint Sino-Sov Mil Commissions. Pattern their most recent activities not unlike prelude to Korea.
If aggression comes we not prepared say that ChiNat guerillas still on mainland will be of no value to us. Their continued existence requires support; their support requires some operational bases. There the rub comes, for even those who fol argument thus far do so provided territory of someone else to be used. Persuasion that security of free world and safety of state or states selected will be served by calculated risk is task our SEA diplomacy.
We think we must be very certain of definite advantages in abandonment of ChiNat guerillas before we let slip one of few remaining area forces with some will to resist ChiComs. At moment we believe dangers of ChiCom consolidation of South China infinitely [Page 8] graver that possibilities of affronted sensibilities of some Asian opinion or professional hysterics Sov spokesmen.
- Repeated to London, Paris, Rangoon, New Delhi, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Bangkok.↩
- See footnote 2, Document 4.↩
- Gen. Raoul Salan, Acting Commander in Chief of the French Union Forces in Indochina.↩
- For text, see vol. xiii, Part 1, p. 21.↩