796.5/10–2952: Telegram
No. 316
The Ambassador in the Philippines
(Spruance) to the Department of State1
Circr 38. Oct 28. From Allison. Believe conference held yesterday2 was of real value not only in assuaging Phil sensibilities but also in bringing home to Phil leaders, incl Nacionalista President of Senate Rodriguez and Speaker of House Perez, certain US beliefs re Phil actions necessary in order to implement any mutual defense plans. With full encouragement of Quirino and Elizalde, [Page 507] importance of Phil ratification of Jap Peace Treaty and recognition of Associated States of IC was stressed in conference and was included in official communiqué. While Senator Rodriguez appeared impressed with necessity of such action, he made no commitments as to what his party would do. However, this morning’s Phil Herald reports that question of ratifying Jap peace treaty “will be taken up at a non-partisan caucus next Monday. The projected caucus was a result of the defense talks yesterday between Amer and Phil top officials.” Manila Bulletin carries most complete although in part definitely inaccurate accounts of conference and copies are being forwarded airpouch. Talks throughout day were held in most friendly atmosphere although there was noticeable coolness on Phil side when Amers stressed necessity free elections and land reform if full internal stability was to be assured.
Phils suggest desirability of increase in nbr of reserves receiving trng and pointed out that there were approx 100,000 Phil youths of 20 yrs of age available annually for milit training and that if additional equip could be received it would be possible to develop a trained man-power reserve in the Phils which would be of significant value should any further outbreak of Chi Communist aggression in Pacific area require joint action. Amer side agreed potentialities of use such reserves should be carefully studied and agreed to recommend that a joint Phil-US group be set up to study all phases this problem. I suggest that on Amer side, this group should consist of reps AmEmb Manila plus representatives of JUSMAG and MSA Manila. All Amer officials agreed after conference that it would be a mistake not to take advantage in some way of strong Phil desire to play active part in fight against communism. Report of group such as suggested above should give us a better basis for estimating just how Phil potentialities can best be utilized.
It was made clear to Phil leaders, particularly by Adm Radford, that while under present circumstances Phils have no reason to fear aggression from without, nevertheless, US could not properly fulfill obligations under Mutual Defense Treaty and Bases Agreement unless present uncertain status of Amer title to and use of bases be regularized. It was agreed Amb Spruance and Foreign Secy Elizalde, or their representatives, would look into this matter at once with view to reaching a satisfactory solution.
Only editorial comment to date on conf had been brief statement in Evening News Oct. 27, obviously written prior conclusion conference and based on Foster’s statement to press on arrival. “The conference was vitally important”. Editorial is friendly and stresses importance of both nations standing together under present circumstances.
- Repeated to Taipei, Bangkok, Tokyo, Djakarta, Rangoon, Saigon, and Singapore.↩
A record of the meeting prepared on the basis of tape recordings taken by Philippine personnel is in file 796.5/2–953. This record does contain numerous omissions which were attributed to technical difficulties.
The meeting was held in two sessions, morning and afternoon, with President Quirino presiding. Among those present on the U.S. side were Ambassador Spruance, Foster, Allison, Nash, and Admiral Radford, and Maj. Gen. Albert Pierson, Chief of JUSMAG. The Philippine participants included President Quirino, Foreign Secretary Elizalde, Defense Secretary Ramon Magsaysay, and other political and military figures.