No. 14
Editorial Note
A memorandum for Secretary Acheson by William S. J. McWilliams, Director of the Executive Secretariat, March 3, listing subjects for the Secretary’s discussion with President Truman that day, included the following item, headed “Chinese Troops in Burma”: “The President spoke to you last week about this matter. We have checked … and within the Department. The only things we have uncovered are the piece in the black book which you have read and a telegram from London which is at Tab D. The Burma desk considers this as interesting information but not in any sense conclusive.” (Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversations, lot 65 D 238) The reference to the black book is not clear; the [Page 20] tabbed attachments were not filed with the source text. The only record of the discussion on this subject found in Department of State files is a memorandum of that date dictated by Secretary Acheson which reads as follows: “Item No. 4. Chinese Troops in Burma. I reported on the present situation. The President approved what I said.” (690B.9321/3–352)