690B.9321/11–2353: Telegram

No. 125
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China1


473. Considerations advanced Bangkok’s 10332 and Rangoon’s 5043 were included in forceful presentation US views to Ambassador Koo by Robertson 24th. After reviewing apparently deliberate delays and noncompliance with evacuation agreement on part Jungle Generals, Robertson pointed out probable serious consequences to Chinese Government position renewed Burmese complaint UN and mentioned that non-surrender arms would indicate bad faith Chinese Government.

Koo agreed send urgent telegrams President Chiang and Foreign Minister Yeh expressing US concern in strongest terms. Substance Robertson/Koo conversation summarized in aide-mémoire delivered Chinese Embassy late 24th.4

  1. Repeated to Rangoon, Bangkok, and USUN.
  2. Not printed. (690B.9321/11–2353)
  3. Supra.
  4. Not printed.