No. 121
Editorial Note

Between October 31 and November 5, the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly considered Burma’s complaint concerning the presence of foreign forces in Burmese territory. On November 5, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Mexico, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom submitted a draft resolution providing that the First Committee should adjourn further consideration of this question to a date not earlier than November 23. (U.N. document A/C.1/L.73) The First Committee adopted this resolution on November 5 by 50 votes to 3, with abstentions. United States Representative Archibald J. Carey, Jr., stated that the United States Delegation abstained in view of the role the United States Government had played in the past and the possibility that the parties concerned might wish the United States to continue to exercise its good offices. For the record of the Committee’s discussions, see U.N. documents A/C.1/SR.653–657; for texts of statements made by Carey during the discussions, see Department of State Bulletin, November 30, 1953, pages 761–764.