846E.2562/9–1852: Telegram

The Ambassador in Ceylon (Satterthwaite) to the Department of State


123. US position in not making US sulphur available to Ceylon understood and generally accepted here. I believe, however, there would be the most adverse reaction on part both GOC and public if US activity in attempting bar exports from other sources were known.

Appointed MP formerly official Planters Association advised Black re what MP characterized as “serious charge” made to him by important local planter that US Govt actively engaged in preventing other countries supplying Ceylon with sulphur. Black replied that Emb had confined itself to reporting sulphur situation and that Emb had received no protests from any local importers.

Press reports Min Justice Rajapakse1 subsequently informed Senate in reply to question that he was not aware US Govt had obstructed GOC in obtaining sulphur because GOC has permitted sale rubber Chi.

It is becoming increasingly evident that our policy withholding sulphur has failed achieve objective halting Chi rubber shipments. In circumstances Dept may wish review this policy particularly re efforts being made deprive Ceylon of sulphur of non-Amer origin.

  1. Sir Lalita Abhaya Rahapakse.