690D.91/9–453: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1


191. Re Kashmir.

UNSYG being requested by USUN hold up if possible announcement Nimitz resignation for few days. Report already leaked by GOI. Nimitz, though refusing confirm or deny, has told press UNSYG will make announcement in few days. Believed not possible defer longer.
You may indicate to GOP that while we firmly believe GOI will never agree to American as Plebiscite Administrator we will be willing to submit to GOP, should it wish, name or names distinguished Americans who might be made available for assignment.
After announcement appears in press you authorized issue statement along following lines:
Nimitz has planned to resign for well over year and has been induced by US Government’s request to remain on by considerations of service and at great personal inconvenience to himself.
Most recently he again deferred his resignation so that it would not affect outcome of July–August discussions between Nehru and Mohammed Ali on Kashmir.
Clearly there is no other relationship between timing Nimitz resignation and NehruMohammed Ali agreement.
US considers resignation does not affect status Kashmir case before UN and continues hope for prompt and just settlement mutually acceptable to Pakistan and India.
  1. This telegram was repeated for information to New Delhi.