690D.91/10–952: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations1


163. Re Kashmir. Fol are Dept’s present views re handling debate in SC:

Graham will make opening statement at SC mtg Oct 10. We envisage no need for statements from any member of Council but if either Pak or Indian Del wish to commence statement of their positions we perceive no objection.
Next mtgs devoted to presentation of Pak and GOI position.
Fol presentation by parties SC members wld direct questions to Graham re his specific recommendations resulting from conclusions his report on troop quantum under first alternative or criteria for parties negots under second alternative. Purpose such interrogation wld be establish specific phrasing Council’s recommendations. UK and US wld then introduce res and speak on subj.
Dept will draft material for US statement for SC.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to Karachi and New Delhi.