690D.91/7–1552: Telegram
The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Department of State
York, July 15, 1952—12:34
40. Re Kashmir—(for limited Dept distribution). Substance Deptel 261 given to Jackson of Graham’s staff.
- 1.
- Bokhari and Ayub (Pak) are seeing Graham this a.m. to deliver message from Karachi stating that GOP thinks next move is up to Graham. (Jackson had forecast of this message last night from Ayub.) Graham plans to call joint mtg of parties for late today or tomorrow a.m. He will suggest higher level mtg at Geneva or other mutually agreeable spot at which he will make specific proposal (bracketed figures for quantum; plebad induction 90 days after signing demilitarization agreement). He will propose mtg should run eight days, with possibility of another eight if necessary. Subsequent to joint mtg, he will indicate separately and privately to parties general tenor of what he has in mind. He does not plan to make formal proposal prior to ministerial mtg, since he and staff fear that one party or the other might either reject proposal and mtg or take proposal and go direct to SC.
- 2.
- We said decisions were of course for Graham himself to make, but since he had asked for our views on tactics we felt obliged to give them. We set forth views contained in para 3 of reftel, and recalled Nehru’s comments on next steps as quoted in New Delhi’s 155 and 100.2 We raised possibility that Paks would go through roof if suggestion made for further negotiation, particularly out of NY, without any specific proposal being advanced as basis for this negotiation.
- 3.
- Jackson replied these points had been carefully considered by Graham and staff. On other side of scales, they have intimations from Ayub that Karachi would not necessarily demand details before going in to ministerial mtg, and repeated references by Indian del to desirability [Page 1282] of mtg in Geneva. Graham feels it essential to get away from post box operation here and move into negotiations with reps who are responsible and who can talk informally without clearing every word with capitals. In any case, Jackson said, this is first move in new phase, not last: If either party asks for discussion here on new proposal, Graham might begin with this as preparation for further discussions on ministerial level. He also has in mind possibility of moving on from ministers to PM’s if situation develops.
- 4.
- On next steps after making of quantum proposal we recapitulated Dept’s suggestions in paras 2(a) and (b) of Deptel 4, and suggested how they might tie in with new proposal in Deptel 26. Jackson said these ideas fitted in rather well with ideas they had been thinking about. He thought they would prove helpful in further negotiations.