357.AB/1–1952: Telegram

The Chargé in India (Steere) to the Department of State1


2575. I saw Bajpai and Nye again today re Kashmir developments. Told Bajpai Emb impression that Malik statement had had strong impact in US and at Paris, and that we were concerned about reactions India and Pak. I alluded to Sadiq statement welcoming Sov attitude, and said it cld not but make bad impression US.

Bajpai said in reply that he had foreseen yesterday repercussion to Sov charges were likely and that was reason he had been at pains to make clear GOI in no way responsible (Embtel 2562, Jan 18). Sadiq said statement mischievous and he had so informed Nehru at Allahabad. We wld note Ind press had treated Sov charges with restraint, all he cld say confidentially that to press requests for lead he had stated GOI was taking no official notice of Malik statement. GOI did not want Kashmir question become part of ideological conflict.

I said that Amb Bowles, as he aware, had made certain recommendations re Kashmir talks with him, and I wld like to give him some idea of Ind reactions and attitude Kashmir in light Sov statement. Bajpai thereupon said that Amb and Dept might be assured that GOI attitude was still as had been outlined to Amb by PriMin and himself.

We then discussed possible effects Sov action on attitude Pak and on position in SC. Bajpai thought Pak reaction wld be emotional but concluded by saying he thought all parties wld recognize that Sov action aimed at stirring up differences, and that even Pak wld realize that Sov might veto SC res. At end Bajpai intimated his great interest in learning as soon as possible course US/UK decide to propose to SC.

Emb view is that Sov statement shld not be allowed delay or interfere with course action outlined Deptel 719 Jan 15 to Paris GADel [Page 1175] rptd London 3358, Karachi 649, New Delhi 1413. GOI has recently given indications of readiness to go along in further UN efforts to resolve problem to delay now might release GOI from living up to these rather intangible but nonetheless important assurances. To falter wld also greatly weaken UN authority in Asia, and seem likely to throw Kashmir squarely into Commie’s free world conflict, with India perhaps forced against its will into Commie camp on this issue.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to Karachi, Paris, and London.