411.919/9–1853: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in India1


332. Embtel 512.2 Fear here that suggested change in referenced third sentence liable to misinterpretation as referring only to specific commodities you have discussed with GOI Suggest alternative language: (1) In Embtel 512 substitute language in quotes insert phrase “including those” after “commodities” and before clause beginning “which” or (2) In referenced third sentence Deptel 253,3 substitute “strategic” in lieu of “Battle Act.” Either amendment acceptable here; if unacceptable GOI Department will attempt work out additional language to indicate that statement involves the broad range of strategic commodities.

  1. This telegram was drafted by Fluker of SOA and was signed by Kennedy.
  2. Supra.
  3. Dated Sept. 3, p. 1717.