611.91/5–2153: Telegram

The Ambassador in India (Allen) to the Department of State1


4226. Secretary had talk yesterday with Sir Girja Bajpai, Governor of Bombay, whom Nehru had brought to Delhi for that purpose.2 Bajpai gave lengthy explanation of Indian foreign policy, excused India’s failure to understand United States policy on grounds of immaturity and inexperience of Indian press and people. He declared that India would never go Communist. He said Indian authorities were aware that Red China had shown expansionist tendencies and that India was taking due precautions to defend its Eastern and Northern frontiers.

Last night Nehru gave state dinner for Secretary and Mr. Stassen at which 50 top officials Indian Government were present. After dinner Nehru arranged for various Cabinet Ministers to chat with each individually.

Today Secretary spent nearly two hours alone with Prime Minister. Conversation covered wide range subjects and will be continued at luncheon tomorrow. (Summary conversation in separate telegram.)3 Atmosphere was friendly and he considers talks were useful.

He and members his party lunched with senior officials of External [Page 1695] Affairs Ministry and tonight he will attend reception I am giving largely for Indian Officials.

May 22 he and certain members party will fly in Indian Air Force plane to Agra, return in time for half hour press conference at 1230, lunch with Prime Minister, and enplane for Karachi about 1500. I shall accompany him on trip to Agra.

Messrs. Stassen and Matteson visited Punjab villages with TCA officers morning May 21, joined luncheon group, and spent afternoon conferring with Indian officials on various subjects including canal waters dispute. They will not make Agra trip but will continue conferences in New Delhi morning May 22.

Secretary received Afghanistan Ambassador Najib-Ullah May 19, who explained to him Afghanistan interest in Pushtoonistan.4

  1. Ambassador Bowles left post on Mar. 23, 1953 and was replaced by Ambassador George V. Allen, who presented his credentials on May 4, 1953.
  2. Secretary of State Dulles and Mutual Security Administrator Stassen visited the Near and Middle East between May 9 and 29, 1953. In the course of their trip, they spent 3 days in India from May 20 to 22. For further documentation on the DullesStassen trip, see volume ix.
  3. Not printed; the telegram under reference was New Delhi telegram 4237, May 22 (110.11 DU/5–2253).
  4. For documentation regarding the Pushtunistan dispute, see pp. 1365 ff.