No. 1500
Editorial Note

Telegram 401 to Jidda, December 31, reported that Prince Faisal was coming to Washington from New York within the next few days and was scheduled to see the Secretary of State on January 6. At their meeting the Secretary was to give strong support to the principle of arbitration and give a firm rebuttal to the expected plea for United States participation in a tripartite commission. (780.022/12–2052) Telegram 408 to Jidda, January 5, reported the Saudi Arabian Embassy had cancelled Faisal’s appointment with the Secretary the following day, without explanation. The telegram speculated that Faisal might have realized the Department of State intended to support arbitration and wanted to preclude a policy pronouncement by the outgoing Administration that might complicate an approach to the new Administration. It had been agreed in the Department of State that the Under Secretary would call in the Saudi Arabian Ambassador in the next few days and make the [Page 2513] same points the Secretary had planned to make to Faisal. (780.022/1–453)