641.74/10–2853: Telegram
No. 1239
The Ambassador in the United
Kingdom (Aldrich) to the Department of
1830. After further discussion with Foreign Office, Embassy considers, because of domestic political considerations, it extremely doubtful UK will make further substantive concession on availability in Suez negotiations (Embtel 1780 October 23 and 1789 October 24). As Department is aware large segment Conservative Party opposes evacuation on grounds it would weaken defense link with Commonwealth countries and, like Abadan, constitute blow British prestige and consequently British power position throughout world. This viewpoint eloquently and vigorously presented at recent Conservative Conference by Julian Amery, brilliant young right wing MP (Embassy Despatch 1478 October 19)2. Amery’s speech wildly acclaimed and there were many private expressions agreement. One responsible conservative MP (not of Amery group) told Foreign Office official government could fall on issue. Although Embassy doubts this government is certainly going to have considerable difficulty with own party both in and out of Parliament even if agreement secured on basis present British position. To minimize these difficulties, Government feels it must have some specific provision in agreement which makes base available in circumstances more consistent with Western defense requirements than merely attack on members ALSCP.
Embassy therefore believes government will consider that any formula which does not specifically provide for base being made available upon UN recommendation could not be defended within its own party and consequently unacceptable. Changes in wording would probably be considered provided UN recommendation retained.