774.5 MSP/3–1853: Telegram

No. 1128
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom 1


6255. During visit U.S. two Egyptian officers discuss interim arms program, they queried Defense (London’s 5151 Mar 18)2 possibility U.S. training fifty jet pilots. With concurrence Defense, Department recommended grant aid this purpose. Department felt this would compensate in part for inability U.S. include Air Force items in interim arms program. Also high cost training would nullify political effect if Egypt required pay. Defense considered jet training of little military value since Egyptian Air Force not [Page 2029] equipped U.S. type planes and recommended grant training for all three Services.

Department realizes difficulties extension grant aid at present but feels this may assist Caffery’s effort prevent Egyptian position solidifying on whole question Defense talks. Also wishes avoid giving Egyptians impression U.S. withdrawing from efforts assist Egypt. Jet training of little military significance and no other requests yet received.

  1. Repeated to Cairo as telegram 1854.
  2. In telegram 5151 from London, Mar. 18, not printed, the Embassy reported that the Foreign Office was very concerned about the approval of grant military aid to Egypt.(774.5 MSP/3–1853)