774.02/9–1052: Telegram

No. 1008
The Ambassador in Egypt (Caffery) to the Department of State1


645. We discussed Deptel 515, Sept 8 with Brit Min Creswell this morning. Dept might feel repetition of these views to Brit both in London and Wash wld serve as oral rejoinder to Eden’s note as allegations made therein are not substantiated by fact. In first place policies advocated by this Emb incl final para mytel 593, Sept 7,2 were predicated on the fact that Ali Maher through his own procrastination and deviousness cld not be saved. They were predicated on further fact that a new PriMin Gen Naguib, had taken off. It was essential to move quickly and to develop rels of confidence with new govt especially as there had been no change in principles of the reform movement in Egypt which we had explicitly approved in Secy’s statement Sept 3. In consequence first portion of Brit note as summarized reftel seems to be entirely beside the point.

Re Brit allegation of “indiscriminate arrests in Cairo” we wld say that contrary was the case. Mil struck at their greatest enemy, the Wafd Party, in no uncertain terms rounded up leaders of Saadist and Liberal Parties and thus effectually silenced opposition from politicians who were seeking to oppose reform movement.

Re allegation that Naguib is “to some extent prisoner more extreme elements” I told Brit this morning that this was not true. [Page 1859] Mytel 6443 today reporting Naguib’s own comments on his mins substantiates this fact.

As for Eden’s allegation of grave danger increase in xenophobia gen diminution chances of understanding between Egypt and Western powers incl possible recrudesence terrorism these are simply speculations which facts thus far do not substantiate.

In particular we trust Dept will refute Eden’s innuendo that US encouraging “more extreme elements in Egypt”. US is encouraging a reform movement headed by an honest soldier who presides over a civil cab and who is after all in control of Egypt.

Extraordinary sensitivity of Brit as for example their concern over relatively minor shipment of pol equipment suggests that they feel much less secure in this part of the world than one might suppose from their muttering of the threat of mil intervention being best deterrent on Egypt Govt. We trust they can be made to see that their own security posit in Egypt can best be preserved if US now and they later maintain rels of confidence with Egypt Govt.

  1. Repeated to London as telegram 219.
  2. See footnote 1, Document 1005.
  3. Dated Sept. 10, not printed.