
No. 654
Memorandum by the Secretary of State to the President


  • Famine Relief for Jordan

Public Law 216, 83rd Congress, authorizes the President to transfer agricultural commodities from the stocks of the Commodity Credit Corporation to meet famine or other urgent relief requirements of friendly peoples.

It is recommended that you determine that up to 10,000 tons (approximate value $1 million) of wheat, from stocks held by the Commodity Credit Corporation, may be used to meet famine and other urgent relief requirements in Jordan, leaving for later consideration the determination of additional amounts that may be required. This assistance would be furnished under an agreement to be negotiated with the Jordan Government by the Department of State providing for such direct relief to the ultimate consumer as is necessary and permitting the Jordan Government to sell the balance, if any, within Jordan. The sales proceeds would be used for work relief projects in the stricken areas to provide employment for the needy and a basis for general economic improvement.

The Foreign Operations Administration would carry out operations under this agreement, including participation with Jordan officials in the relief distribution, and would be available to advise the Jordan Government on the execution of the work relief projects. Such operations should be conducted with due regard to other programs in Jordan in which the United States has an interest.

This recomendation has the concurrence of the Department of Agriculture and the Foreign Operations Administration. If you approve [Page 1297] the recommendation, a draft finding is attached for your consideration.1

John Foster Dulles
  1. Not printed. A marginal notation indicates that President Eisenhower approved the recommendation on Sept. 2.