684A.85/8–1753: Telegram

No. 650
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Israel1


154. Tel Aviv tel 215, Jerusalem tel 25,2 Amman tel 82.3

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In course August 19 farewell call by Eban prior his departure for consultation Israel, Byroade told him US very disturbed over troubled military situation in Jerusalem area, especially indications troop build-ups both sides border which reportedly began on Israel side. Eban promised look into matter.
British Embassy Washington has informed Dept UK intention make representations to Israel on basis three August 11 hit and run reprisal raids for which Israel condemned by MAC, and has indicated desire for parallel US action.
Dept believes deterioration border situation warrants further expression USG’s concern to Israel Govt by Embassy Tel Aviv which accordingly instructed raise subject with Israel Government, utilizing possible visit by Sharett to Tel Aviv this week-end for purpose. Matter should be broached by referring 1) Byroade’s remarks Eban August 19 and 2) MAC’s August 12 condemnation Wadi Fukin, Surif and Idna attacks by IDF, and inquiring what Israel Govt’s intentions are in present situation. USG deeply disturbed at resumption Israel reprisals methods.
Embassy Amman should inform Govt HKJ that unsettled border is matter great concern to us, that we are following it closely, and that US hopes HKJ will redouble its efforts prevent infiltration. At Embassy’s discretion may also state US making representations to Israel Govt over recent IDF attacks on Jordan villages.
Embassy Tel Aviv may in its discretion inform Israel Govt of US expressions of concern in Amman.
Department has consulted with British and French Embassies re foregoing. London believed to be instructing British Embassy Tel Aviv and possibly also Amman to make generally similar representations.4
  1. Repeated to Amman priority as telegram 81 and to Jerusalem priority, London, and Paris; sent by air pouch to Beirut, Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, and Jidda.
  2. Neither printed.
  3. Telegram 82 from Amman, Aug. 17, reported in part that the Arab Legion was strengthening in the Mount Scopus area out of alarm at the Israeli build-up in the Jerusalem area. Considerable augmentation and reinforcement of defensive positions was noted by the Army Attaché. (684A.86/8–1753)
  4. Chargé Russell reported on Aug. 24 that an aide-mémoire along the lines of telegram 154 was delivered that day to the Foreign Ministry liaison office at Hakirya. In accordance with paragraph 5 of telegram 154, the aide-mémoire informed the Israeli Foreign Minister that the U.S. Embassy at Amman had been asked to express to the Government of Jordan the concern of the United States at the unsettled border situation and its hope that the Jordanian Government would redouble its efforts to prevent infiltration. (Telegram 249 from Tel Aviv, Aug. 24, 6 p.m.; 684A.85/8–2453)