784A.02/7–2453: Telegram

No. 642
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Israel1


64. Deptels 32 and 48, Embdes 58, Embtels 90 and 98.2 Embassy’s instructions are to limit Foreign Ministry relations to Liaison Office unless specifically authorized to contrary and decline all invitations to official functions Jerusalem. Department informed by British Embassy this also UK position. French state they will limit contact to Liaison Office as long as US and UK do.

Continue consult with friendly colleagues and endeavor maintain common approach. Report any difficulties encountered. Consultation also underway Washington.

Airgram follows.

  1. Repeated to Paris, London, Ankara, Bern, Canberra, Rome, Brussels, Stockholm, and Jerusalem; sent by air pouch to the Arab capitals.
  2. None printed; all dealt with the transfer of the Israeli Foreign Ministry effective July 12.