357.AC/12–1652: Circular telegram

No. 530
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions1


673. Depcirtel no. 671 Dec 152 and 586 Nov 22.3 Eight-State res on Pal which passed Ad Hoc Polit Comite Dec 11 by vote 32 pro 13 con 13 abstentions scheduled for consideration in GA plenary session Dec 16. US supported res in Comite and intends vote for it in plenary. USGADel being instructed stay out of continuing controversial sitn but indicate to other dels if asked that we will vote in plenary as in Comite.

Dept aware effects this decision which will be felt primarily in NE area but hopes Missions may be able abate criticism somewhat if they aware fol:

Res does not destroy or reduce any real or alleged Arab rights provided in previous UN res.
Pal item placed on agenda by Arabs against advice friendly dels which object Pal items being placed before every session with little evidence Arab willingness seek solution.
Arab res to abolish PCC and create new org having new terms ref with increased membership met gen opposition and although not tabled was considered by many dels as attempt by Arabs to avoid peace settlement.
UN members have natural desire seek solution problems. They contrast negative Arab attitude with positive Israel attitude calling for direct negots.
Dept hopes that when Arab resentment cools somewhat eightstate res cld be face-saving device whereby some Arab states cld justify negots with Israel.
It is our belief that if peace is to be attained in NE parties concerned must decide issues in direct negots. Decisions hardly likely to be made on their behalf by third parties or by special orgs as shown by experience since 1948.
US was not a sponsor of res. US did however support it as most constructive of resolutions tabled.
Dept hopes passage of res will tend to reduce repeated UN debate on Pal question.

  1. Sent to Cairo, Baghdad, Amman, Beirut, Damascus, and Jidda; sent by pouch to Paris, London, Ankara, New York, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Circular telegram 671, Dec. 15, 5:23 p.m., sent to the Arab capitals, contained the text of the revised eight-power resolution (A/AC.61/L.23/Rev.4) adopted by the Ad Hoc Political Committee at its 39th meeting on Dec. 11. (357.AC/12–1552)
  3. Not printed.