680.84A/9–2452: Telegram
No. 507
The Acting Secretary
of State to the Embassy in
456. Quoted hereunder is text note delivered Sep 24 by Israel Emb. Similar notes delivered same day to Brit and Fr Fon Offices. Dept desires you make oral reply IG within few days after receipt instrs now being drafted. Understand Brit reply to be made London. Fr plans not known. Suggest you advise your Brit and Fr colleagues proposed action. IG note fols:
“The Ambassador of Israel presents his compliments to the Honorable the Secy of State and has the honor to inform him that his Govt is deeply perturbed over recent reports indicating the resumption [Page 1040] of mil aid by the Western Powers to certain Arab States, contemplated in apparent disregard of the part these States play in maintaining a state of ominous instability in the Middle East.
Since the hostilities between the Arab States and Israel were terminated by the Armistice Agreements of 1949 no further progress has been made toward the conclusion of peace or to the settlement of all outstanding questions between them and Israel as requested by the UNGA on Dec 11, 1948 and by the Security Council on Aug 11, 1949.
On the contrary, the Arab States in violation of the Armistice Agreements, the res of the SC, and of the UN Charter, have continued to maintain an econ boycott against Israel, have sought to undermine the territorial integrity of Israel by permitting armed infiltration across the borders, and have repeatedly and publicly threatened a resumption of hostilities against Israel.
Moreover, Egypt has consistently interfered with the normal transit of ships and goods bound for Israel through the Suez Canal in defiance of the res of the SC sponsored by the Powers from which mil aid is now being sought.
The chronic instability of the Arab countries, rooted in their backward social and econ conditions and in their antiquated regimes, has recently found expression in polit upheavals, abrupt changes of govt, disintegration of parliamentary life, and in the emergence of mil or semi-mil dictatorships, some of which have tried to divert attention from their internal difficulties by inflaming public sentiment against Israel.
The coming into force of the Arab League’s Collective Security Pact, after its ratification by four signatory countries, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, serves further to emphasize the danger to the security of Israel from Arab hostile policies. The origin of this Pact and the explanatory statements of its nature and purpose made by Arab leaders from time to time, leave no room to doubt that its sole aim is to create a mil alliance directed against Israel.
These facts form the background of Israel’s security problem which is twofold in character. Like other States, large and small, Israel must take into account the existing internatl tensions and be prepared and equipped to defend its independence, terr and way of life, in cooperation with other countries. The situation around its borders imposes an additional burden of vigilance and preparation.
Under such circumstances any increase of the mil strength of the Arab States has a direct impact on Israel’s security, and inevitably causes heightened tensions in the area, and provides a stimulus for aggressive designs. It further promotes an arms race at the expense of the social progress of the countries involved.
The Govt of Israel submits that mil aid to the Arab States shld be made contingent on a genuine and declared willingness of the receiving govts to negot a peace settlement with Israel.
The Govt of Israel takes this opportunity to repeat once again its readiness to enter into such negots immed with any or all Arab States.”