262A.84A41/10–1752: Telegram

No. 504
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Lebanon1


769. Re Embtel 679 Oct 3 and 798 Oct 17.2 Dept well aware growing Arab preference interpret Bonn–Israel agreement as being imposed on Germans by US. If US protests too much, Arabs feel their suspicions confirmed (Beirut 656 Sept 30) but silence also can be interpreted as sign guilt.

Dept suggests that on all appropriate occasions NE Missions might try divert Arab attn by stressing (1) successful conclusion Bonn agreement underscores and makes more feasible Israel’s obligation for Pal refugee compensation; (2) successful efforts PCC on Israel release blocked Arab accounts; (3) PCC progress with Israel on determination of Arab property losses.

  1. Repeated to Amman, Cairo, Baghdad, Damascus, and Bonn.
  2. Neither printed.