783A.00/7–3052: Telegram

No. 467
The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon


229. Dept fully approves emphatic position you took with Tamer and Tweini re US support projected coup as well as position given last para Legtel 192 July 30. Obviously US cannot in any way abet such plans, despite repugnant practices Khouri regime and need for breath of fresh polit air in Leb. Moreover, highly doubtful that US objectives and Leb welfare cld profit by change govt thru violence, particularly in view deep ideological and personal cleavages among Leb conspirators. Ref Depagm A–5 July 8.1

Dept however believes these serious events present opportunity impress Pres again with urgent need for reform. In your discretion therefore you may wish approach Pres Khouri again, possibly in coordination with Brit and Fr Mins, and have candid, forceful talk with him along fol lines:

Example events in Egypt is not lost to discontented elements Leb populace. Whereas Pres may now have firm control of Leb security forces and opposition is divided, further procrastination on reform can only alienate moderates, bring opposition together and convince people that desperate measures are sole course available for change. Leb Commies await this development.
Pres is well aware that periodic, short-lived concessions to responsible opposition no longer delude anyone. What is needed now is implementation of genuine, broad-based reform within polit and soc fields, not simply a few expedients which leave substance unchanged and then vanish when voices have quieted.
While making these reps US is in no sense trying to intervene in Leb internal affairs. This is counsel from friend whose only interest is to see Leb attain natl heritage in orderly progressive manner which cld set ideal for region.

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Meanwhile you shld continue emphasizing to opposition members that violence instead of orderly responsible change will do both themselves and Leb nation damage.

  1. Not printed.