784A.02/7–352: Telegram

No. 455
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Israel1


7. Deptel 907 Jun 7.2 Fol is US position re recently announced intention Govt Israel move its FonOff from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This has been discussed with Brit, Fr and Turk Reps here. It has been agreed four govts shld make joint démarche to Israel although exact nature each approach will not necessarily be identical. Text of aide-mémoire you shld use fols statement US position. Brit, Fr and Turk Reps Tel Aviv being instructed as is Austral Rep with whose Govt Brit have consulted.

  • “1. The US, in concert with Brit, Fr and possibly other govts, shld request the Israel Govt orally and confidentially not to move its FonMin to Jerusalem until the UN has had an opportunity to reconsider the question of Jerusalem with a view to devising a status for Jerusalem that will satisfactorily preserve the interests of the states directly concerned as well as the interests of the internatl community;
  • “2. The Govt of Israel shld be informed at the same time that the US has no present intention of moving its Emb from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem;
  • “3. After a suitable delay to determine Israeli reaction Chiefs of Missions in interested capitals might be authorized in their discretion to inform the govts to which they are accredited, orally and confidentially, of the action taken;
  • “4. No public statement re this action shld be made by the US Govt;
  • “5. Shld the Israel Govt move its MinFonAff to Jerusalem, the position of the US re any change in the present location of its Emb in Israel will be reexamined after the UN has had an opportunity to reconsider the question of Jerusalem with a view to devising a status that will satisfactorily preserve the interests of the states directly concerned as well as the interests of the internatl community;
  • “6. In reexamining its position the US will again consult the Brit, Fr, and possibly other govts in an effort to agree on a common policy.”
[Page 961]

In concert with UK, French and Turk colleagues you shld speak to Acting FonMin at earliest opportunity re Jerusalem along lines fol aide-mémoire which shld be left with him:

“The Govt of the US has noted with concern the decision and announcement of the Israel Govt on May 4, 1952 to move the FonOff to Jerusalem. The Govt of the US has adhered and continues to adhere to the policy that there shld be a special internatl regime for Jerusalem which will not only provide protection for the holy places but which will be acceptable to Israel and Jordan as well as the world community. Since the question of Jerusalem is still of internatl import, the US Govt believes that the UN shld have an opportunity to reconsider the matter with a view to devising a status for Jerusalem which will satisfactorily preserve the interests of the world community and the states directly concerned. Consequently, the US Govt wld not view favorably the transfer of the FonOff of Israel to Jerusalem.

“The Govt of the US also wishes to convey that in view of its attitude on the Jerusalem question, it has no present intention of transferring the Ambassador of the US and his staff to Jerusalem.”

In addition to above you shld inform the Israel Govt that in view of various negots, i.e. refugee question, Syria–Israel difficulties, etc., this is no time for Israel to be “rocking the boat” by such public announcements as move of FonOff. We cannot believe that conduct foreign relations between Israel and other states wld be in any way enhanced by transferring FonOff to Jerusalem if majority fon missions remain in Tel Aviv. You may also tell FonOff that this approach is being made on confidential basis and that we have no present plan for public statement.

Advise Dept date and hour ur appointment with FonOff for above purpose.

Addressees Arab states shld not discuss above with govt to which accredited until further instructed by Dept.

  1. Repeated to Cairo, Jidda, Baghdad, Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Jerusalem, and New York, and by air to London, Paris, Ankara, and Rome.
  2. A repeat of telegram 6467 to London, June 7 (repeated for information to 12 other posts), telegram 907 contained the Department’s tentative conclusions and recommendations in the light of the Israeli Government’s intended move of its Foreign Office from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (784A.02/6–752)