683.84A/6–2052: Telegram

No. 448
The Chargé in Israel (Keeler) to the Department of State1


1393. Bendor, Chief US Division FonOff informed Emb that fol took place at mtg June 17 between Col Taxis, Brig Gen Moshe Dayan, newly appointed head of Northern Command IDF, Col Ramati, senior Israel MAC rep and Major Arie Friedlander, senior Israel del ISMAC to discuss Israel desire continue plowing PLDC land on left bank of Jordan in southeast corner of Huleh which was stopped after 1/2 day work at request Col Taxis June 13 in order avoid possibility of breach of peace: (1) Col Taxis agreed to renewal of plowing on condition Israelis give him 48 hour advance notice. Bendor said he did not know whether such notice had since been given or whether plowing going on; (2) In gen discussion which followed, Dayan took occasion raise question of high level Israel-Syrian talks (Embtels 12212 and 1191),3 informed Taxis that altho Israel preferred talks on highest level, wld not insist on that level, and prepared discuss “any subject whatsoever”; (3) Dayan, reversing previous decision (Embtel 1240),4 agreed permit Shamalneh Arabs harvest crops planted on land in Israel territory west of demil zone”.

  1. Repeated to Damascus and Jerusalem.
  2. Document 437.
  3. Document 432.
  4. Not printed.