No. 256
Editorial Note

Despatch 639 from Beirut, May 28, transmitted to the Department of State copies of the completed agreements negotiated by the Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company (Tapline) with the Governments of Lebanon and Syria. The agreements with Lebanon consisted of three letters, each dated May 17, and signed by the Lebanese Prime Minister Sami Bey Solh and C. A. Swigart, President of Tapline. The first letter covered the disposition of crude oil entitlement and the right to import and export currencies and foreign exchange at the free market rate. The second covered an increase in the loading fee, and the third consisted of a collection of small items. The agreement with Lebanon was to be effective on the date of signature, May 17. The Syrian agreement consisted of one document, signed on May 21 by Swigart and Fawzi Selo, the Chief of State and President of the Council of Ministers. It was similar to the Lebanese agreement but was to come into force upon ratification by the Syrian Government.

Despatch 653 from Beirut, June 3, transmitted a copy of the Iraq Petroleum Company Heads of Agreement, with Appendices, negotiated [Page 596] between the company and the Lebanese Government. It had been signed on May 15 by Sami Solh and S. Belgrave, for the IPC. The agreement was to be submitted to the Parliament for ratification within the next few weeks but, since it had been approved by the President and Prime Minister, little opposition was expected. Documentation on this topic is in Department of State file 883A.2553.