No. 180
Editorial Note

Telegram 553 from Karachi, January 25, described a United Press despatch carried in Karachi papers on January 24 which reported the United States Government was not expected to make an announcement on arms aid to Pakistan until after the visit of Turkish President Bayar to the United States. The despatch then outlined most information on Turk participation received here in Department’s Top Secret communications. Embassy considers it not only most unfair but exceedingly damaging to Embassy–Pakistan relations that despite Turk request for ‘utmost secrecy’ American press should be able print such information from ‘highly reliable sources’ and we unable give one of principal participants, GOP, even inkling status of negotiations”.

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Telegram 573 to Karachi, January 25, repeated as 808 to Ankara and 878 to New Delhi, reported the Department of State had not seen the United Press story but expressed regret that it had embarrassed the Embassy. It said the announcement of United States aid was not related to Bayars visit and authorized the Embassy to discuss the matter of the Turkish–Pakistan agreement and United States aid to Pakistan with the Prime Minister and Governor General of Pakistan in general terms, stressing the importance of keeping secret the United States part in any agreement between Turkey and Pakistan.

Telegram 578 to Karachi, January 25, repeated as 812 to Ankara, requested the Embassy to express the Department of State’s serious concern and embarrassment over press speculation on Middle East defense and arrangements between Turkey and Pakistan and other states. “Since rumor started impossible control speculation by press which has always been acutely interested any defensive move in that part of the world. U.S. Government doing its best reduce press play but feels distortions cannot be corrected until positive steps can be announced and the quicker this stage reached the better.” Telegram 589 to Karachi, January 26, repeated as 818 to Ankara and 890 to New Delhi, reported a New York Times story of January 26 which stated Turkey and Pakistan were negotiating an agreement for military, economic, and cultural cooperation that might be announced during Bayar’s visit. The story also reported the United States would not be a party to the agreement, but was expected to offer military aid after its conclusion. The Department of State was replying “no comment” to public inquiries. Documentation is in Department of State file 780.5.