241. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida1
Guatemala City, June 27, 1954, 0314Z.
977. Re: GUAT 973 (IN 22611) para 1E.2
- 1.
- As situation stands, STANDEL seems dominate army friends and opportunists and paralyze anti-red officers. Doubtful ref petition, if materializes, will stir army leaders or impress STANDEL.
- 2.
- Army capacity to act vs STANDEL much diminished by move to field.
- 3.
- STANDEL apparently planning hold out at least till army defeated, possibly longer. But indications are good part of army would quit fighting if no longer bound by STANDEL authority.
- 4.
- If foregoing true, would appear leave us two alternatives:
- A.
- Destroy army in field and march on capital.
- B.
- [1 line of source text not declassified] possibly follow up with airborne invasion of capital while army away.
- 5.
- Do not know front situation or Calligeris capabilities, [2 lines of source text not declassified].