154. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Central Intelligence Agency1

2798. Re: A. DIR 00858; B. LINC 2766; C. LINC 2767; D. LINC 2774.2

Proceeding as indicated in previous msgs this subject. Simple rail cuts not contemplated but as stated blowing tracks while train passing at bridges previously selected for later targets. Also second charge before bridge with third charge further back to completely block and or destroy train. Same method will be employed by second team further up track in event first should fail.
Map will show all relevant sab targets selected in areas where highways either do not exist or are extremely poor.
Can assure you that will make use of all KUHOOK experience available in LINCOLN and field.
Appreciate HQs actions re delaying tactics and keeping LINC well informed.
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 4, Folder 6. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS.
  2. Telegrams LINC 2766, 2767, and 2774, May 17, are ibid. Telegram DIR 858, May 17, is ibid., Box 8, Folder 5.