146. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in [place not declassified]1
[place not declassified], May 11, 1954.
2622. Re: [telegram indicator not declassified] 991.2 WASHTUB.
- 1.
- LINC has made every effort to produce foolproof negative. It is LINC’s opinion however that no negative made here at this stage would survive careful scrutiny of trained investigator. No one can prove print not actually made with camera LINC provided but very easy disprove negative due to individual camera characteristics. Believe further that if such negative given newsman whole story might blow up with serious results. Following is suggested: As [name not declassified] has informed newsmen [Page 281] negative now in ODACID hands for study lay on private transmission by Ambassador of negative to Washington where negative will become classified and no longer available. [name not declassified] should indicate willingness to have experts in ODACID investigate it further, and release it to them permanently.
- 2.
- Although we concur in some need for other confirmation of WASHTUB we do not believe same story should be repeated even different country. However for your info only LINC as sequel to WASHTUB plans soon to expose cache similar arms in WSBURNT city then publicize to effect arms were identical to those found by [name not declassified] and belonged to BGGYPSIES. Meanwhile hope [name not declassified] will stand firm as above.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 52, Folder 2. Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by [name not declassified] and approved by [name not declassified].↩
- Document 145.↩